"Sentient AI team on Cohere Hackathon Hackathon"

Team Idea

We will be collaborating together on a project to develop Sentient's first language model with the fundamental mission of developing a technology that can embed, summarize and generate headlines based on the latest news published by the most relevant news outlets nowadays. Let's redefine the future of journalism with AI! ✔️ No prerequisite level. Just starting out with AI? Or perhaps you're a veteran Data Scientist? A Designer? A Business Developer? We want you and your domain expertise! If you have an interest in learning AI and collaborating with us, feel free to reach out to [email protected] or just join our team via the lablab.ai event link.
Vassiliki Doropoulou


Saira Arif

Software engineering

Thiago Patriota

Creative DIrector

Ali Raza

Full Stack developer

Jovan Bosic

Software Engineer

Vaishnavi Narayanan

Product Manager


SentientAI Newsboy

SentientAI Newsboy

Newsboy is an AI technology that parses the data from different news outlets around the world and process them through machine learning so that users can search for news and facts in a disruptive way. The main objective of this project is to democratize the access to information and help fight misinformation, fake news and sensationalism by providing users with a language model that process and analyze the data obtained from the main news outlets in the world and deliver them through a search query that is able to interpret different levels of sentiments and parameters input by the user. - Informed Newsboy: The software will provide an up-to-date and comprehensive summary of the world's news. - Time savings: The software will automate the process of analyzing news articles, saving time and resources compared to manual data processing. - Toxicity & Stereotypes: The software will be able to filter news articles that are classified as negative information in different aspects - Machine Learning: The software will be able to understand the profile of its users and deliver personalized results - Increased insights: The software will provide a comprehensive summary of the news, giving users a broader understanding of current events and trends. - Customized data analysis: Users will have the ability to customize the data analysis process to focus on specific topics or geographic regions. - Data visualization: The software will provide data visualization tools to help users easily interpret and understand the analyzed news data. This will allow users to identify patterns and make informed decisions based on the information presented.