"SeaSky team on OpenAI Stack Hack Hackathon"

Team Idea

We are from India and currently in penultimate year of graduation
Gayatri Vadaparty


Srinadh Vura





MediFix is an AI-powered assistant that utilizes the latest technologies such as GPT 3.5, Whisper, and gTTS to provide users with valuable healthcare information. With its advanced capabilities, MediFix is able to analyze symptoms mentioned by users and provide them with preventive measures to help them stay healthy. One of the key features of MediFix is its ability to support both voice and text input. This means that users can either speak to the assistant or type their symptoms, making it accessible to a wide range of users. When users input their symptoms, MediFix uses GPT 3.5 technology to analyze the information and provide relevant information on the causes of the symptoms and possible preventive measures. The assistant is trained on a vast amount of medical data, allowing it to provide users with accurate and reliable information. In addition, MediFix also utilizes Whisper technology to provide a personalized experience for each user. By understanding the user's context and history, MediFix is able to provide customized recommendations and preventive measures that are specific to their needs. Finally, gTTS technology is used to deliver the information to the user in a clear and easy-to-understand manner. This ensures that users are able to comprehend and follow the recommendations provided by MediFix. Overall, MediFix is a powerful healthcare assistant that leverages the latest AI technologies to provide users with accurate and personalized healthcare information. With its support for both voice and text input, MediFix is accessible to a wide range of users, making it an invaluable tool for anyone looking to take control of their health.