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Милош @Милош


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Profile rank: lablab No-rank

Next rank: lablab Apprentice


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    People can use website to find jobs they like, apply for them by uploading resume, github and linkedin link and other info. Based on that info and job description we run SuperAGI agent to scrape the data and see how likely is that applicant to get accepted for the job. We provide pros and the cons of the applicant and % based scale of how likely is he going to get the job. This also helps HR teams since they don't have to go through huge number of applications because we filter the right candidates and that saves money and time of companies that hire software developers, especially if those companies are big.

👌 Attended Hackathons

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    AI Game Jam

    ⌚ 7-days Hackathon 👥 Create or find your team on the platform 💡 Get educational material for all the levels of experience 🚀 Use beat AI tech from Anthropic, OpenAI, Stability AI, ElevenLabs and more - to build your own gaming project

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    Autonomous Agents Hackathon

    🏗️ Build projects with Autonomous Agents, using cutting-edge frameworks like SuperAGI, AutoGPT, BabyAGI, Langchain, and more! 🏆 Register now and stand a chance to win up to $10,000 and a place on the SuperAGI team. 🏁 3-days to complete your solution!

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