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Aspandiyar Nurimanov@Asspunchman


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Profile rank: lablab No-rank

Next rank: lablab Apprentice


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AI/ML Engineer


3 years of experience

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πŸ€“ Submissions

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    AI video translator

    Clients go to our website, where they can paste the URL or video itself and select the desired language for translation. The model using GPT-3 automatically determines the language for generation, translates into the required language. Also, the model automatically determines intonation, pronunciation speed, age, gender of the speaker and could make sample of own voice. The client receives the video in the language selected at the beginning. For the future, we want to link our site to virtual assistants so that videos are accessible to people with disabilities. And also connect the ability to translate into all languages ​​of the world

πŸ‘Œ Attended Hackathons

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    ChatGPT API & Whisper API Global Hackathon

    πŸ—“οΈ 48 hours of building (24-26th March) πŸ’» Create innovative new apps with OpenAI's latest ChatGPT and Whisper APIs πŸ’‘ Learn from top AI professionals βš’οΈ Combine new GPT 3,5 Turbo and Whisper APIs to build your AI app πŸ±β€πŸ’» Now is the time to register and let's get started!

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