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Murad Ley@Murad


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Profile rank: lablab No-rank

Next rank: lablab Apprentice


Events attended


Submissions made

Grad Student

United States

Looking for experience!

I built with

AWS SageMaker


🤓 Submissions

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    Relation between energy consumption and CO2 emission

    One of the main source of greenhouse gases is heavy industry. Although industries are the driving forces of the economies, here we question how those industries and companies in them achieve to be fuel of machine called economy. In our concept we aimed to find relation between energy consumption and CO2 emission. Using this pattern we believe that an organization's environmental impact can be evaluated, which might be implicit. In the meantime, we are aware that our concept can be base for further studies, but cannot be definitive at this stage.

👌 Attended Hackathons

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    Sustainable AI Hackathon (Swiss AI)

    Are you ready to put your coding skills to the test for the global cause?