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Rania MD@Rainay


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Profile rank: lablab No-rank

Next rank: lablab Apprentice


Events attended


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AI Student


1 year of experience

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πŸ€“ Submissions

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    Interview assistant

    When you're interviewing, it's important to focus on the process and listen carefully to the interviewee and get into the process. But when you're constantly distracted by taking notes and looking at a list of questions, you lose your effectiveness and maybe forget to ask something. Our app is designed to save the interviewer from unnecessary activities and help him or her focus on what's important. Now the interviewer can take notes and try to write down the interview, because our app will do it for him. It will also review the entire resume and answer specific queries. This is just the basic functionality we managed to implement in 48 hours. In the future, the app can work in real time, toss questions and give hints, also will save the processed interviews

πŸ‘Œ Attended Hackathons

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    Build your AI Startup Hackathon. Episode 2

    πŸ› οΈ 7 days of Learning and Building 🀝 Come with your team or find one during the Hackathon 🦾 Free access to Generative AI models and Tech Tutorials πŸ… Win a place in the Early Stage StartUp Accelerator program πŸš€ Join community of AI experts

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    ChatGPT API & Whisper API Global Hackathon

    πŸ—“οΈ 48 hours of building (24-26th March) πŸ’» Create innovative new apps with OpenAI's latest ChatGPT and Whisper APIs πŸ’‘ Learn from top AI professionals βš’οΈ Combine new GPT 3,5 Turbo and Whisper APIs to build your AI app πŸ±β€πŸ’» Now is the time to register and let's get started!

πŸ“ Certificates