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mostafa osman@mostafa33


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Profile rank: lablab Apprentice

Next rank: lablab Specialist


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2 years of experience


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    It's an AI-powered platform that leverages technologies like Metaverse, VR, and OpenAI to raise awareness about coral reefs and what impacts does it have on the environment. It provides users, researchers, and anyone with a passion to learn about coral reefs with the location of the coral reefs globally as well it has a function of the chatbot called "NemoBot" from the game "Nemo", which answer all the question about coral reefs powered by OpenAI. Moreover, currently, we are also developing a framework for people where they can leverage virtual environments like Metaverse to explore and learn about coral reefs. This will surely give them a wider perspective on the coral reefs actually work. Also under the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 8, 9, 13, 14, and 17 as provided by the United Nations (UN), we are fulfilling all the requirements for making a positive impact.

👌 Attended Hackathons

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    Build your AI Startup Hackathon. Episode 2

    🛠️ 7 days of Learning and Building 🤝 Come with your team or find one during the Hackathon 🦾 Free access to Generative AI models and Tech Tutorials 🏅 Win a place in the Early Stage StartUp Accelerator program 🚀 Join community of AI experts

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