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Sreejith N@sreejithns957


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Profile rank: lablab No-rank

Next rank: lablab Apprentice


Events attended


Submissions made

6 years of experience

About me

Web App Developer | I develop Web based utility services and applications. I use Web technologies like ReactJS,Firebase,NodeJS,Electron etc.

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🤓 Submissions

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    Hackathon link

    Dr. Tina - AI Doctor

    Dr. Tina - AI Doctor(Dermatologist for now) - using CNN to detect disease from uploaded image -- Dr. Tina - World's best AI Doctor(Dermatologist for now) - using CNN to detect disease from uploaded image and send the learnt data to GPT-3 for further consultation, which asks questions to patient for a detailed consultation and prescription process.

👌 Attended Hackathons

    Submission image

    OpenAI GPT-3 Online Hackathon 2022 #1

    Explore GPT-3's capabilities including Files, Answers, and Fine-tuning at our upcoming event