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Sahan Dissanayaka@sahan_dissanayaka960


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Profile rank: lablab No-rank

Next rank: lablab Apprentice


Events attended


Submissions made

Data Science Engineer

Sri Lanka

4 years of experience

About me

Researcher | AI geek | Promethean


πŸ€“ Submissions

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    Hackathon link

    Paper Summ

    This tool is a powerful and innovative software application that has been designed to assist readers in summarizing research papers in an efficient and effective manner. The tool is specifically designed to meet the needs of readers who are looking for a quick and easy way to get an overview of the key information contained within a research paper. The tool works by analyzing the text of a research paper and identifying the key concepts, ideas, and arguments contained within it. It then generates a summary of the paper that is tailored to the reader's specific purpose for reading the paper. For example, if a reader is interested in the methodology of the research, the summary will focus on the research design, sample size, data collection methods, and statistical analysis used in the study.

πŸ‘Œ Attended Hackathons

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    OpenAI Stack Hack

    πŸ—“οΈ This will be a week of hacking and fun from 24 February to 3 March πŸ’» Create innovative new apps with OpenAI's latest AI tools πŸ’‘ Learn from top AI professionals βš’οΈ Combine GPT-3, Codex, Dalle-2, and Whisper to build your AI app πŸ±β€πŸ’» Now is the time to register and let's get started!

πŸ“ Certificates